The "Dmytruk" company started producing real KABANOSY

"Dmytruk" company was the first in Ukraine to start production of KABANOSY by exclusive technology.

However, everyone remembers how in the autumn of last year the company somewhat shocked by the news of a complete halt in production.   

"We resorted to unpopular actions: stopped the production of our main product - meat and sausage products, ceased cooperation with partners. The feedback was not entirely positive, as both consumers and partners were disappointed by our decision. Although we knew what we were doing and consciously went for the introduction and production of a new product, "said Taras Skorupsky, head of the marketing department at the "Dmytruk".
A new product, to which the company has been preparing for more than six months and for whose reason has created a new production line, have become REAL KABANOSY.

However, since the consumer market needed the familiar "Dmytruk" sausage products, then, according to Taras Skorupsky, the company decided to continue the business started ten years ago - to continue to produce meat and sausage products, but already under the trademark "Myasnij hutir". 


"We are overwhelmed with pride for the new product, we have invested a lot in its creation and hope that it will be appreciated. According to the agreements with the equipment suppliers, our company owns the exclusive technology of production of KABANOSY in Ukraine within a year. This is a unique technology that makes it possible to produce a superfine product by special drying", - the head of the marketing department noted. 

It is EXTRA drying technology that allows you to store 100 grams of the finished product 185 grams of real meat, and gives you the right to talk about a superfine product.
"During drying, the meat loses moisture, decreases in weight by 45-50 percent," says Taras Skorupsky. Absence of moisture and is the guarantor of long storage of KABANOSY (60 days) without a refrigerator.

"It's not sausages that require cold storage, it's a product that calmly behaves on a regular store shelf and that can be consumed anywhere. We call it a joke "sausage-snack". But seriously, our KABANOSY provide for the creation of a new category of food products, because this is not sausage, but not ordinary snacks for us. To form a new category on the Ukrainian market is our idea," - Taras said. 
KABANOSY is unique in that it is made without a shell.


"All sausage product is in a shell - it is either natural (pork, beef, lamb), or artificial. However, it is impossible to make a product smaller in diameter than 18 millimeters. Our KABANOSY are much narrower, and for their shell we use alginates - extracts of natural brown algae, which give the opportunity to form a product of any thickness, "- said the head of the marketing department of the "Dmytruk" company.  KABANOSY is a product, which made only from chilled meat and packed in convenient packages weighing 50 and 120 grams.The product is also valuable because it does not contain glutamate, gluten, phosphates and dyes
While KABANOSY are made in four flavors - Original (pork), Delicate (chicken), Cheese (chicken meat + cheese), Chili (pork + chili pepper).

"EXTRA drying technology and alginate shell allows you to "play" with sizes and atypical tastes - cheese, walnut, bacon, chili, onions, garlic, caramelized onions ... Here it is possible to draw a parallel with the snack market, where the variety of tastes is impressive", - said the head of the marketing department.

By the way, the "Dmytruk" company has far-reaching plans for the implementation of these KABANOSY. According to Taras Skorupsky, the company established a nationwide distibution cover for itself, but does not exclude exports, which in the plans will be 10-20 percent in the overall sales structure.

"The "Dmytruk" company - at the final stage of obtaining production certificates for the requirements of the HACCP system (control system for critical points in production) and IFS. After receiving these certificates, we will be able to enter the markets of the EU countries, and this is tentatively – the 4th quarter of the 2018", - he said.
"While we are the first in Ukraine. The appearance of competitors is not afraid, on the contrary, we are waiting for this, because, firstly, it means that we are moving in the right direction, secondly, someone likes it and thirdly - we ourselves change the market, which is enough for everyone", - Taras Skorupsky shared his thoughts on the competitors.